Sarah Ferguson Tax Consultancy helps you answer all your finance and accounting-related queries, including dealing with taxes and bookkeeping prospects. Solving all your tax queries, our experts with several years of experience and professional skill set in the field will help you get your accounting needs sorted hassle-free.


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How VAT Return Filing In The U.A.E Works

VAT return filing can be performed by a tax consultancy firm in Dubai. It is an online form that needs to be submitted to the FTA. The VAT return filing would indicate the businesses' output tax and input tax along with any other information. The return can be filed by the business it self or Tax Consultant. The FTA informed big businesses tha...

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Business Under VAT - What Needs To Be Overseen

VAT is a consumer indirect tax and general consumption indirect tax, collected incrementally and based on the business’ production and sales. UAE VAT is imposed on sold and bought goods and services. It is where the end-user has to bear the tax in the supply chain system.With the introduction of VAT in the UAE, it is the goal of the Government to d...

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Choosing The Best Tax Consultancy Firm For Your Business

Taxation is something most businesses consider as a hassle and dislike handling. In order to overcome this problem, you can obtain the services of Tax Consultants in Dubai. However, you should be cautious when choosing a tax consultancy firm because taxation is a significant part of any business and it is vital to choose the best firm that will tak...

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Get Some Accounting Assistance From Us

Every business regardless of its size faces accounting problems. These problems defer from situation to situation and time to time. It might turn out to be hard for you to solve these problems internally. It might be a problem you have never faced before, and you might not know what to do. Maybe your year-end accounts do not balance, and you cannot...

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Why Is Record Keeping So Important?

For all these years your business has been operating, you might not have kept record of all your activities. Now it is time for you to get rid of that practice and start recording your business activities. Due to recent government legislature, you might be imposed with a penalty if you fail to keep track of your records. You can obtain the services...

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Perks Of Tax Consultancy

Obtaining Tax consultancy in Dubai has become essential in the recent years with the mandatory laws in relation to bookkeeping. You might not be aware of the nature of Value Added Tax (VAT) and you will need assistance to deal with it. Our team of professionals will educate you about the whole process, find a solution for you and will tell you if t...

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Pay Taxes Or Face A Penalty!

With the introduction of value added tax to The United Arab Emirates, it is compulsory for businesses to pay taxation for the goods and services they sell. Failure to abide by the tax law will bring in many consequences to the business. Paying value-added tax is not something you and your business have done before. This was something that was intro...

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Handle your finances better!

Handling finances of any business is important when it comes to success. Failure to manage your finance will cause irreparable damages to your business. If your business decides to manage the finances internally, it might not be done in the most efficient way. Finances are something that should be handled with great care. Tax consultancy in Dubai i...

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Do you really need to keep track of your accounts?

Keeping track of the business accounts is not something any person enjoys doing. People are always looking for excuses to avoid doing this boring task. But, with the implementation of the new laws of the country, now it is mandatory for every business to maintain a record of their business activities for taxation purposes. If a business fails to co...